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We Lead: Peace Building Module

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The 'We Lead' Peace Building Module was produced by Shirkat Gah Women’s Resource Centre, Pakistan as part of their work on Peace and Security under WELDD.  It was first published in April 2013. 

We Lead – Peacebuilding Module was designed drawing on the authors' long-term personal commitment and diverse experiences working with multi-ethnic communities in Sri Lanka during the civil war, natural disasters [tsunami], post-war rehabilitation and in ‘relatively peaceful’ times too. The central concern underlining the Module is rights, justice and peacebuilding in a context where people’s democratic and fundamental rights are gradually being eroded and/or appropriated by anti-democratic interests. The Module, therefore, addresses people’s and women’s everyday struggles to mobilise to claim their rights. 

The vision of the Module is, “building capacity of existing and potential grassroots leaders to identify and understand problems/conflicts, analyse their contexts, negotiate effectively and take collective action to bring desired social change as peacebuilders”.   It seeks to develop critical awareness, critical analysis, critical reflection and critical strategic actions. The simple, participatory methods that build on participants’ own reflection and analysis allow the individual to learn, unlearn and re-learn through developing appropriate skills and knowledge.

How the Module Is Organised 

The complete Module comprises of seven sub-modules as follows:

SUB-MODULE 1: Social Analysis - will enable participants to identify and understand the problems/issues in their own specific contexts, being sensitive to gender and class.

SUB-MODULE 2: Power Issues and Gender - will help participants understand how patriarchal values are rooted in society and in institutions using a gender and power lens.

SUB-MODULE 3: Conflicts and Power Dynamics - will identify and analyse roots of conflicts and how conflicts manifest and are perpetuated, as well as power differentials and how we address these.

SUB-MODULE 4: Peace and Security - will increase participants’ understanding of peace and human security in conflict contexts, the barriers to peacebuilding, and how to build peace that is just and sustainable.

SUB-MODULE 5: Women and Peacebuilding Skills - will build women’s confidence while developing their negotiating skills to be effective peacebuilders in their communities.

SUB-MODULE 6: Transformative and Sustainable Leadership - will stimulate participants to reflect on leadership and build their capacity to develop transformative women’s leadership that is sustainable.

SUB-MODULE 7: Mobilisation and Solidarity - will highlight the importance of mobilisation and solidarity in peacebuilding.

Faizun Zackariya and Menaha Kandasamy
Published Date: 